Sunday, 21 April 2019

What are In Demand Programming Languages for 2019

The technology has reached a great level in the year 2019. There are different – different languages exists which are in very high demand and this is due to the reason as the digitization is increasing day by day and this raise the demand of digital platforms and which ultimately increases the demand for programming languages. There are many programming languages and these different – different programming languages have their own significance. There are many programming languages which are in high demand these days and this high demand depends on the flexibility of the programming language. Let us have a look on the best programming languages –

  • JAVA
JAVA is a popular programming language since from last many years. The popularity of JAVA language depends on its many features that make it different and secure from other programming languages. JAVA is considered as the one of the best programming languages as it is platform independent, more secure, robust and many other important features.
  • Python
Python is also a popular programming language. It becomes more popular in last 2 years. Python also becomes famous on basis of its advance features. The language is most successful as this is the base of many advance programming languages.
  • Android And iOS Development
Android and iOS development becomes popular as many wants to shift their business from website to application form. Android and iOS platforms are used to develop native applications for android phones and iOS phones. When we think of building native application then these application basically uses the JAVA code as the backend code.
  • WordPress
WordPress is a platform for the website development. This becomes famous due to its easy implementation and easily understands features. Another reason behind the popularity of this platform is its simplicity and also the website build on this platform are cost effective. The website build on WordPress is also easily manageable by the end user or customer.
  • Type Script
Type Script is a front end language and recently used by many companies and become more popular in these days. Type Script is mostly preferred front end language these days as it have many good features like its fast responsiveness, its advance features and as it provides more security.
  • PHP
PHP is mostly used and preferred language for website development. It is famous and preferred and demanding language in IT sector. It is demanding as it is easy to implement and costing of website developed on PHP is also very low. Another important factor is that it consumes less time to develop a PHP website.

Apart from these there are also a lot of programming languages which are demanding this year like JQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node JS, C#, HTML, CSS, Appian, Salesforce, React JS and many more back end and front end languages. The languages will come in demand on basis of their features and costing. The language that provides best features, easy implementation and cost effectiveness are considered as best language.

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